The Importance of Handheld Raman Spectrometer for Chemical Identification in Pharmaceutical Industry


Uses and Applications of Handheld Raman Spectrometer

It is used for the real time measurements, identification, verification of the pharma raw materials and active ingredients purity.

Pharma Raw Materials Verification

Today, handheld Raman spectrometers play a very significant role in quality control and assurance in pharmaceutical and fine-chemical industries due to the high stakes involved in these tasks. These compact instruments allow the swift identification and verification of raw materials and its non-destructive feature ensures purity and product integrity for manufacturers.
Raman Spectrometer can analyze liquids and aqueous samples directly through packaging.
Handheld Raman Spectrometer is an ideal analytical instrument for verifying Pharma raw materials shipments during the transportation process.

Useful in Pharma Lab

It’s supporting new chemical development process scale-up in the Laboratories.
Raman Spectrometer is Suitable for diverse types of samples: solid, liquid or slurry, either transparent or opaque type.

Pharma Spectral Library

Raman spectra are generally robust to temperature changes.
Highly precise and accurate analysis of both physical and chemical properties of the studied substances is possible with Raman Spectrometer. The user easily builds his own spectral library for different type of samples

Pharma GMP Compliance

Raman spectroscopy is successfully integrated into many parts of the life cycle and value-added chain of drug products from drug discovery in laboratory scale to the production under good manufacturing practice (GMP) conditions.

Pharma Vaccine

It is an important tool to close the analytical gap of Pharma heterogeneous sample matrices or complex biologicals like the mRNA vaccine technology actual used to fight the SARS-CoV2 pandemic.

Detection of Counterfeit Drugs

Handheld Raman Spectrometer provides a vital role in drug screening and is an established technique to easily discern legitimate pharmaceuticals from illicit or counterfeit drugs, such as the current use of fentanyl by cartels. Handheld Raman Spectrometer might be use as a first preliminary screening tool to provide information on the field, the counterfeits detected can be sent to a lab for confirmation and determination of the chemical composition for the evaluation of the patient’s health risk.

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